Importance of Play or Sensory Play (Montessori)
Tue, Mar 29, 2022
Montessori play has become the new buzzword in parenting, and you might wonder, what exactly is Montessori play? Well, this is a type of playtime that focuses on your child's hand and eye coordination. Montessori play is a very important type of playtime function for young children, and there are multiple ways to accomplish it. You’ll find that setting your child up to enjoy Montessori play is not complicated. There are many unique aspects, and your child will reap the benefits.
Water Play:
The first and most obvious aspect of Montessori play is water play. This involves using a water and sand table with plastic cups, so that the child can scoop the water in and out of the cups. This is a calming process, and simultaneously teaches them how to measure things. Your toddler will be entranced with the constant flowing of water. There are some tables that include sand, which is also fun.
Scooping Rocks:

Another form of Montessori play is scooping rocks, something that is both fun and educational for small children. You can use different sized scoops and measures, which will make the children have fun. The process of scooping rocks is not hard to setup. You can use simple garden rocks or even the gravel that you purchase for a fish tank. Your child will have a blast scooping the rocks and filling up the water cup. They will play with this for hours, and it will also distract them from using tablets or technology.
Blocks & Finger Painting:

Playing with blocks is another fun thing to do and another aspect of Montessori play. The use of finger paints is another great way to introduce children to Montessori play. There are various finger paints that are washable and easy to clean up. You don’t have to have any specific outline or design, but allowing them to randomly paint abstracts is a great way to encourage Montesorri play.
Blocks come in many shapes and sizes. You can get the colored blocks that children have played with for decades, or you can find wooden blocks which are a bit more unique. Either way, blocks are a great tool for teaching children how to stack and count simultaneously. You’ll enjoy the unique aspects that blocks can teach your children, especially young toddlers.
Montessori play is a great thing, and every parent should encourage their toddlers and young children to do this. It will teach them how to count and focus on their hand and eye coordination. There is nothing better than Montesorri play for encouraging your children's development and increasing their learning and attention span. You can do Montessori play with the things you have in your home, and your children will have hours of fun.

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