Fun Springtime Activities for Kids!
Tue, Feb 23, 2021
By Karah St. Preux
This winter has proven to be incredibly difficult for millions of families all around the world. With the coronavirus, millions out of work, and snow storms that have left people without water, food, and power; it’s easy to be discouraged about everyday lives. But that doesn't mean you need to stay that way! With March right around the corner, that means spring is near. It is important to find something to look forward to, and warmer weather is something we definitely can’t wait for! What are some activities you can do with your kids this spring?
1. Garden
Spring is all about new life blooming, what better way to celebrate that than gardening! There are many different types of plants and flowers that can teach kids about the beauty of new life. Gardening new plants and even fruits or vegetables will be informative and fun for kids of all ages!
2. Go for walks or bike rides
One of the best ways to enjoy the new warm weather is to go outside and soak up the sun! Taking walks as a family is a great way to bond, get some exercise, and enjoy the weather. Maybe there’s a chance you can go on a family bike ride! It’ll be great to get out of the house and possibly explore a part of your neighborhood you don’t go to often, to have something for the kids to get excited about. Don’t forget to bring your mask!
3. Plan a Scavenger Hunt
Something exciting for kids could be an outdoor scavenger hunt! With the snow soon to be melted, and the sun being out, it’ll be an exciting way to celebrate the beginning of spring and being able to enjoy the outdoors again!
4. Do some indoor play until the weather gets nice
While you wait for the weather to get nicer, there’s still plenty of indoor activities that you can do with kids. There are puzzles, board games, blocks, play carpets, and more that will help with child development, but are also incredibly fun!
What are you looking forward to this spring? Let us know in the comments below!
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