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7 Decorating Tips and Rug Ideas for Your Kid’s Room

Tue, Aug 10, 2021

By Cameron Eittreim


The joy of decorating a children's bedroom or playroom is almost endless, there are so many fun activities and designs that you can incorporate. While it is always wise to do a little research at first there are times where you will get natural inspiration. At the end of the day, you know what interests your child and how far you can go with the design. We are going to take a look at 7 design tips that will make designing a child's bedroom or playroom a lot easier.

Tip #1: You Can Decorate No Matter The Budget

A lot of times we tend to sell ourselves short because of financial restraints, but that doesn’t have to be the case at all. The best thing that you can do for your kids is to design a space where they can enjoy themselves. It will not only keep them safe but it will also keep you sane, as you won’t have them up under you all day. Setting a budget doesn’t have to be nerve-racking and you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to design a playroom.

Focusing on affordable things like a play rug and painting the walls will make the rest of the room fall together. You don’t have to buy dozens of expensive knick-knacks and accessories, instead, go for the affordable route. Remember that thrifting is very chic and you can find a lot of great used accessories as well. You can create a space that your child will enjoy being in without having to break the bank.

Tip #2: Stick To One Theme

It can be so tempting to want to bedazzle your child's room with tons of different posters and design elements. But you have to remember that you need to stick to one central theme. Don’t go overboard trying to design a bedroom or playroom that is just going to overwhelm your children. If you are doing a bright paint scheme then you don’t need to add wallpaper to one corner of the room as well.

The same goes for going overboard with print and photos, don’t litter the walls with a ton of posters. Remember that a lot of input can be detrimental to your children's development, they just don’t do well with all of that noise around them. Taking the time to focus on one theme and doing it right will make the room a lot more enjoyable.


Tip #3: Consider Your Child’s Age

This is a very important aspect of what you are doing because it is important to know who you are designing the room for. A playroom or bedroom for a toddler is going to be a lot different than a playroom for an older child. As kids grow up their tastes will change eventually from toys to video games and being outside. So you need to act accordingly and focus on items and design elements that are tailored to your children's age range.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to make the room a fun place to be, but you at least need to fit it toward the right age range. Play rugs are an excellent item to add to the design of the room because they grow with the child. A play rug is more than just a toy, it’s something that adds to the overall look of the bedroom.


Mini City XL

Tip #4: Timing Is Key

Like with any aspect of home renovation there should be a certain time that you update your child's bedroom. The best time to redesign your children's playroom or bedroom is in the summertime. This is generally when most redecorating is done anyway and you’ll have the room done in time for the Winter when they spend the most amount of time indoors. This not only prepares them physically for changes but also prepares them for the upcoming school year.

You can even make redecorating the room a fun activity, like going on vacation or the like. It's something that they can be part of and feel included. A well-designed playroom or bedroom is a place where they can be themselves and have their personal space.


Tip #5: Shop Like A Pro.

The thing that you need to focus on when it comes to redesigning a children's bedroom is the shopping aspect. Shop like a pro and spend money accordingly on the right parts. From the play rug to the table lamp, you want to spend the money on the right aspects. Focusing on storage space is another important aspect because you’ve got to have somewhere for them to put their toys and books.

You need to go into the redesign with a plan in mind, don’t just randomly pick up elements of the bedroom as you go. This is just going to make the process a tad bit slower and in the long run, will cause an issue with designing the room.



Tip #6: Take Your Time

Remember to take your time when it comes to redesigning a bedroom or playroom. You don’t have to fit it all into a single weekend. You can start with subtle changes and work your way up to the eventual redesign. If you are painting this weekend then do the wall art or the storage next weekend. Trying to cram the entire redesign into a single time slot is just going to stress you out and make your children confused.


Tip #7: Get Kids Play Rugs!

What's the best way that your kids can have fun without breaking the bank? A children's play rug and there are quite a few here at IVI World. The Mini City play rug is perfect for little boys and girls that like to play town; and there are several different colors. There are also play rugs that are tailored for little girls as well, and all IVI World play rugs are inclusive so everyone can have fun with them. You’ll notice that your kids will not only learn to share but they will spend a lot more time playing quietly in their room.


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