How Play Rugs Help Manage Anxiety
Fri, Mar 05, 2021
By Cameron Eittreim
With the pandemic still upon us, young children are just as stressed as their adult counterparts. Being locked inside all day, especially in the wintertime can create undue anxiety. Although you might not think that anxiety can affect young children it can, and thus finding a way to alleviate anxiety is an important thing to do. The pandemic has made children a lot more anxious than before, and utilizing a play rug is a great way to help. Cultivating a stress-free play environment for your children takes a three-pronged approach, and if you are ready to put the time into it you’ll see the results almost instantly.
When I started to design my children's playroom a play rug was at the top of the list. The main reason for this was the fact that I wanted to encourage imagination. A play rug is basically like its own little world to your child, where they can imagine and do pretty much anything that they want to. This helps when you are trying to detract from a manic world with all kinds of bad things going on daily. The IVI 3D Play Carpets offer an increasingly beautiful amount of 3D detail, which you haven’t seen on the other rugs. Examining some of the attributes that make the play rugs look and feel unique to your child will give us a better idea of how they help manage anxiety.
The Feel:
First of all, we know that a soft feeling thing is comforting right? Well, the same thing goes for a play rug. Your child wants to feel comfortable and swaddled, even at an older age. This helps things out because the IVI play rugs are made of very high-quality materials. Instead of being just a flat surface, these rugs are high piles, which means that your child has somewhere comfortable to play and enjoy themselves on. The detail of the play rug is what stands out to the child because the more places that there are to play the more that they can do.
You’ll enjoy the overall look and feel of the IVI play rugs and so will your children. Making sure that there is a clean and tidy place to play is important. The city play rug is perfect for little boys who like to play with their blocks and cars. You’ll find that little girls enjoy playing city a lot more on these rugs as well. As your children play together and enjoy their day the anxiety of the world will slowly fade away. This is a great tool for ensuring that your children stay stress-free and fairly well appointed during these tough times.
Creating An Environment:
By selecting a play rug that calms your children and gives them a great place to play, you are creating a stress-free environment. By doing this you’ll get a calming place where your child can be themselves. Most classrooms are set up in this same type of way so it is important to try and replicate that at home as well. Your child will be more focused as the stress is eased and building blocks are a great tool for this as well. Building blocks and play rugs go together amazingly well, thanks to the detail of the rug.
Children can set up their little town and build all kinds of interesting things. Depending on the level of advancement you can find all kinds of unique building sets. The fact that you can create this type of depth on a play rug will keep your child entertained all month long. Adding other aspects such as little bridges, houses and vehicles can help too. Another innovative thing that you can add to the play rug is an electric train, which will keep the kids entertained for the house upon hours. The sky is the limit with a nice play rug, and you’ll notice that your child will approve of the vast majority of things that you can add to it.
Address The Stress:
Talking to your toddler about their feelings is a great way to address what you need to do to alleviate the problem. Sure, a play rug is a great way to start the process but by figuring out what is bothering them you can set up the room accordingly. Certain toys will alleviate stress better than others, such as building blocks as opposed to toy cars. Anything that helps the child concentrate on a specific thing for an hour or more is off to a great start. Children have several things that can cause them to feel anxiety.
By getting the right toys to calm this you can create an environment of learning that extends from the home to the classroom. Play rugs are a great way to encourage this without being confrontational. Your child will feel the comfort and encouragement of a room that is designed specifically for their needs. You can differentiate play rugs for a unique play session and your child will never get bored with being in their “safety” spot.
It is Never Too Early To Express Feelings:
Too often we are trained not to express our feelings, and this follows our children as well. When it comes to dealing with anxiety the first thing that you want to do is address their problem. If you feel like your child is drifting into stress there is no doubt that getting to the core of this is important. The surefire signs of anxiety are going to be an inability to concentrate and a lack of interaction with other children. You can get to the bottom of the anxiety with a well-thought-out plan and a selection of tools such as a play rug and one on one conversation.
Even young children can express themselves in a way that you can understand. Part of doing this is by interacting on the play rug and developing a world where they can express their feelings freely. The sheer depth and detail of the play rugs from IVI will help your child escape the stress and anxiety of everyday life and enjoy themselves. With a clean and comfortable place to be a child without the fuss and muss that comes with anxiety.
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